Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Life at Home

It is hard to believe that we are into our fourth week back in Dolores. The first week was challenging, with the glaring reality that life was going to be much different from how it was when we walked out the door last fall. Desire loomed large with sharp memories of our previous lives all around us. Since returning, we've both expressed the desire to go to sleep and then wake up in the morning with the day ahead only offering the challenge of our respective jobs as opposed to the overbearing focus on recovery. But, slowly we’ve adjusted with many thanks for so much help from our friends. And since our expectations of life upon return were low – scratch that – non-existent, each day often brings an unexpected treat. Soaking in a hot spring, walking around town amongst sky high piles of snow and ice, braving a visit to the pub, Marilyn dragged out of the rec center after four hours of workout, and even a handful of ski days for me are a few. Time and therapy are our allies and enemies now, patience our peacemaker. Faith brightens and brings the horizon closer.

1 comment:

barbandmichael said...

As always you have such a precious gift with words, Gareth, and you tie them to feelings in a way that touches each of us with healing. So often it seems that we are living in a time when folks are running hither and yon looking for answers to questions that bother them so...when the answers are within our own hearts and all around us in our own lives. You two are living that truth and sharing it so eloquently. In From Science to God, Peter Rusell reminds us, as you do, that 'in the final analysis, peace of mind is to be found within our selves rather than in what we have or do'.
Thanks again....Barb and Michael