Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Recommended Reading and Folding Clothes

I just finished 'Over My Head' by Dr. Claudia L. Osborn, recommended to me by Marilyn's friend, Melissa. (Easy to find on Amazon.com) It tells the story of a Physicians struggles following a traumatic brain injury resulting from a bike accident. While her recovery journey was much different than Marilyn's appears to be, this book does an extraordinary job of describing what is going on from the point of view of the brain injured person. The perspective on being a medical professional with TBI is especially poignant. Reading it was often excruciating for me in the midst of Marilyn's early recovery and because it describes so many challenges on the cognitive front - many of which Marilyn thankfully seems to be bypassing and many of which she has yet to confront. This book has helped me come to terms with the fact that this accident will net a changed, but not lesser Marilyn. (No more waiting for the "old" Marilyn to come back.) That change may be less evident externally as time goes by but that change will be very evident for her. To be clear - when I say change, I mean change as in all we experience in life produces change. Profound experiences or events produce profound change. So, I urge you to read this book (or about TBI in general), particularly those of you who will be around her when she returns to Dolores.

On another note - Marilyn insisted on and successfully folded her clothes Sunday night before I left for the week.

“The determination to win is the better part of winning.”~Daisaku Ikeda