Friday, February 8, 2008

"If you`re going through hell, keep going"

I hope everyone knows we made it home (to Dolores) about 2 weeks ago. I want everyone (including Gareth) to know that Gareth has been my inspiration to continue to put forth the efforts that are clearly required for me to resume my life as it once was and will be again someday, so I thank, love, and admire you Gareth. I continue to pray (to Buddha) our future will be an improvement over the present, which is a hell and a challenge on many fronts. We will keep going through this hell until we have made it through, Gareth, just you keep believing, because I see that we will be a stronger, more resilient couple when we have survived this....(blog title and reference is a Winston Churchill quote on a greeting card that I came across while going through the myriad of my belongings when I got home; it is now posted on our refrigerator and seems to fit the situation). My thanks to the Osprey Corp for my "Gareth time" -we both have learned his value, which Osprey has finally reclaimed now that we have made it home! Hoping my patients will get to claim me back soon too!

The single most challenging aspect of being home is that the last time I was here, I had nothing physically wrong with me. The reminders of my life as it was prior to the bike accident are just everywhere. The snow, however, is not a reminder and does not bring back any memories of life in Dolores (this is more snow than I have ever seen here, yeah skiers!) I am also struggling with my inability to do things in a timely fashion (but I am getting a bit quicker, though still a bit sloppy, not a new feature but one that has been magnified by the injury and is definitely a challenge for Gareth to keep up with!) The list of my little physical deficits could go on but I will spare everyone and not list them here.

However, being home has its positive sides: my own bed and belongings; the doggies; the wonderful friends who have given up their free time to drive me to Cortez to get to therapy; my physical, occupational, and speech therapists; no more "hospital" dinners and frequent "whenever needed" espressos! The sheer amount of occupational therapies we all do daily is amazing and forcing me to keep getting better at doing the littlest things. Keep praying that my left side and my vision strengthen and I will see you all as soon as I can (let's hope I only see one of you and not two, which is the double vision rearing its ugly head)...marilyn