Gareth and I, in Denver this weekend, were able to actually reach the summit of the 14er Mt. Sherman. It was challenging but for me a huge huge physical accomplishment - Pike's Peak down the road -more blog later - I realized my experience with the bike accident is similar to false summits - you think your getting to the peak - as I did think literally and figuratively before this accident - I was nearing the top of my life game - only to find after a random bike accident, there was more and more uphill to go - and that is when, at the false summit, you have to make the conscious decision to go for it up or go down without tagging the summit - I am going through this to get to my summit -figuratively - as I did yesterday, literally. I'll write about the Craig Hospital visits later... Marimule.
Interesting that we celebrate "Independence Day" and this year my lack of Independence is so overwhelmingly difficult, and so prominent in my daily life that next year, I will treasure being independent on 4th of July, nothing to do with how the historical first Americans took land/life/homes from Indians to gain freedom from the Brits!
If you have 10 dollars you can donate to our team for the Pike Peak Challenge please do, more medical/public awareness of these injuries need to happen...nothing for my expenses but for my cause...
Pikes Peak Challenge
Wow Marilyn, what a great accomplishment, bagging a 14er!!!
That is certainly a few steps up (literally and figuratively) from the local bean fields!
Great article in the Dolores Star last week too, I am thrilled to read that you are heading back to work next week.
Big cheers for you!
Dear Marily: You do not know me, but I am a friend of your mothers. I met her several years ago, in fact, we shared an office and we have remained friends ever since. I just wanted to tell you that you are a remarkable young woman. You have come so far since your accident and we are all very proud of you. Never say quit! If you haven't read the book by Kelly Perkins yet, I suggest you do. The book is entitled THE CLIMB OF MY LIFE and is a good read. Kelly is a heart transplant recipient and she is as amazing as you are. I sent a small contribution to your medical fund to help you achieve all of your goals. I pray for you every day. May God bless you and hold you in the palm of his hand. Keep up the good work. Geri Giorno
Mar, Just to let you know a little about Geri. She has had a heart transplant and has been going strong ever since. It's been about 5 years since her transplant. She is a wonderful person and friend.
Love you keep going.
Marilyn and Gareth,
Good luck on Saturday!
Love Mom and Dad
Marilyn and Gareth,
Good luck on Saturday!
Love Mom and Dad
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