Saturday, December 15, 2007

Pictures from Ecuador

As many of you know, Marlyn has had no recollection of our short trip to Ecuador. In fact, she has had no recollection of ever planning the trip, let alone going there. The closest memory preceding her accident that we could trace was putting gear in our newly built shed two nights before we left.

Yesterday, I finally got around to showing Marilyn the few pictures we took in Ecuador. At first they were nothing but pictures to her. Then suddenly, a trigger. There was a picture of a vary modern glass building in a park we had visited above the city of Quito. She remembered the building and then, more memories came flooding back.
As we looked at the pictures from Vilcabamba, where she was hurt, she recalled the place we stayed there - even the layout of the hotel grounds.

Of course, this is scary and encouraging, all in one. I hope she never remembers the accident but I am glad that she is piecing more and more things together leading up to it.


Sujan said...

Hang in there! I can't imagine the frustration you must sometimes feel! It's so great, though, to hear that you're doing so much and so well. I know the pieces will keep falling into place. Peace. Love.

Alex Prime said...

That's amazing that some of those memories are starting to come back! I was right there when Marilyn's doctor said she would never remember any of that. The brain works in misterious ways!
Keep up the amazing healing work you are doing Marilyn! Love, Alex